

The SUN is Rising... Trust The New Beginning of SUMMER 😊                   And here comes the Summer which is full of childhood memories as it's the only period where our laziness is respected and all our naughty actions are accepted by our family. Counting stars at night by sleeping outdoors, family meetings, vacations are the best part of summer. Also there are many changes in our lifestyle due to change in climatic conditions. Most importantly changes are related to clothes and food. So start reorganizing wardrobes, kitchen and give a fresh start to the summer season.                   In summer, due to overheat in our body, we encounter many problems like thirst, constipation, sunburns, red eyes, cold sores around mouth, ulcers in mouth, headaches etc. To take proper care of our body, we should include food that suits our body in this hot climate. Lets  discuss about foods that are essential to our body in summer to support us mentally and physically. Watermelon- It is rich i

Healthy Home for a Healthy YOU

 A healthy home is a happy home and a happy home is not a place we live in.. its the feeling we experience daily... Its true that all the choices we make daily or the habits we build start from home. It makes you follow a healthy lifestyle and be happy with what you have. Making love towards anything stresses at start but it gives you a feeling of gratitude and warmth. So, lets join with me and start doing these to feel your best. Indoor plants or House plants-   Indoor plants became more popular these days as many of us started living in apartments and we need a choice of green environment surrounding us. These are not just objects used for decoration. These help in easier breathing as it keeps air pollution free, gives good sleep, reduces stress and improves our mental health. We can connect to them when we deeply love and care as your loved ones.  Be light conscious- Try to let in as much natural light as possible into your home especially in the mornings to start your day. It real

Digital Detox Tips

Are you the one who is similar to me spending hours and hours on phone ? Do you happen to work on detoxifying from scrolling screens anytime before ? Are you unable to avoid checking phone whenever you get notifications ?                                Of course, answer is YES from most of us who is becoming slave to the "phone" so called the MASTER of every human being. COVID made the situation of using mobile more worse spreading the habit from adults to children. Though there are many uses of mobile in this worst pandemic situations like health needs, human mindset always craves for something bad rather than living happy life. Life is full of give and take , the same goes with we and our smartphone. If we use it for a good purpose, it in return gives us good results.                          Here are few digital detox tips for everyone to try and habituate following those on a daily basis to find your new YOU or value of your time. Start your day with tech free - Its real

Self Care Habits

 Put Yourself At The Top Of Your To Do List Every Single Day, And The Rest Will Fall Into Place👍     I am a normal human being starting my day with snoozing alarm and doing rest of the activities in a hurry just to avoid scolding from my family to fulfill all the responsibilities I have. But this pandemic CORONA changed my life in every aspect to discover and explore myself. I made many changes in my day to day activities, started following routines, healthy habits and trying to quit bad habits or negative thinking. I moulded myself  to accustom the new way of living life in three platforms of life - simple & healthy living, organizing & declutter, adopting minimalism slowly. There is a saying by Johann Wolfgang, "As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live" . I believed in it and started my journey towards the way I want to live.        Firstly, I have to make myself feel confident enough to do anything and attain happiness. So, I decided to take care o

Food For GUT Health

Good health begins in the gut and plays a key role in natural immunity. Introduction :           As we all know, Gut is a gastro-intestinal tract starting from mouth and end up with anus. Gut health describes the function and balance of bacteria in gut. Esophagus, stomach and intestine work together to allow us to eat and digest food.  Why we should pay attention to gut :          The food we eat is broken to simple form that enters bloodstreams and delivers nutrients throughout our body. This is possible with healthy digestive system. Healthy gut contains healthy bacteria and immune cells that let go off infectious agents like bacteria, virus and fungi. Gut bacteria varies from region to region, culture to culture depending upon the eating habits we follow. A healthy gut can boost immunity, elevate mood, even keep obesity and diabetes at bay.          Few signs of gut health issues are sudden weight loss without a reason, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, heartburns, vomitings,

Healthy Morning Habits

IF YOU WIN THE MORNING, YOU WIN THE DAY! About 80% of your day is determined by the way we spend our mornings. Of course its very difficult to leave the warm cozy bed and run for the day but its important to prepare your body and mind feel inspired to make your day productive.  Here are few healthy morning habits that boosts our energy with "Lets Do It Today". * Don't hit snooze button - It sounds regular and bored but this decides your rest of the day. Don't make yourself worthless by spending another 10 to 15 minutes of your time in bed which is not good sleep and even it doesn't make you feel better.     You deserve something great for the day and take a step forward to start with more energy.  * Make your bed - This helps you in decluttering your mind and room which gives you clear space and good thoughts. It is one of the little things that helps in accomplishing first task of the day. Do it perfectly.  * Have  morning detox drink - It provides relief to th