Healthy Home for a Healthy YOU

 A healthy home is a happy home and a happy home is not a place we live in.. its the feeling we experience daily...

Its true that all the choices we make daily or the habits we build start from home. It makes you follow a healthy lifestyle and be happy with what you have. Making love towards anything stresses at start but it gives you a feeling of gratitude and warmth. So, lets join with me and start doing these to feel your best.

  • Indoor plants or House plants-  Indoor plants became more popular these days as many of us started living in apartments and we need a choice of green environment surrounding us. These are not just objects used for decoration. These help in easier breathing as it keeps air pollution free, gives good sleep, reduces stress and improves our mental health. We can connect to them when we deeply love and care as your loved ones. 

  • Be light conscious- Try to let in as much natural light as possible into your home especially in the mornings to start your day. It really makes a big difference. If your home is filled with more natural light, it boosts your energy and mood.  Also try to opt for warm lights at home.

  • Grow your own veggies & herbs- There are a lot ways to begin growing these at home. You can have fresh food and more greens at your doorstep. If you start doing these, you can start eating healthy food unconsciously.  Growing veggies and herbs at home is really fun and addictive too. 

  • Freshen air naturally- Open all the windows at your home to allow fresh air and let go off bad smells that may be due to dirty dishes, laundry etc. Stop using air fresheners, scented candles and replace them with essential oil diffusers. You can have fresh flowers, more plants inside your home to breathe fresh air and enjoy the moment.

  • Keep kitchen stocked and organized- Always keep your kitchen stocked with healthy food like fruits, nuts and home made snacks. This helps in avoiding eating unhealthy food so that you cant feel lazy and do your work at home with ease.

  • Designate a corner for you- Try to create or designate a space that you like to hang on when you are alone and enjoy your own company by reading book or watching videos or listening music. This place makes your mind very calm and soothing when you see it or when you spend time there.

  • Clean and Organize- A clean and organized home always keeps you fresh and positive minded. Your thoughts will be pure. Also, there is no need of searching for things when everything is well organized, this will avoid irritation, anger or stress. You can avoid unexpected guests like mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches when your home is clean. Sweep, vacuum and mop regularly to see more results.

    A healthy home always keeps you away from diseases. Its your comfort zone where you can live as your wish without the hesitation of looking good or bad. Make your home a very healthy place and you can make good relationships and memories. So, start keeping your home clean, fresh, pleasant and as healthy as possible to make a healthy YOU 👍

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